Old Response files

Response files

Latest response file package:

Version v04


The HEX-P baseline has two high energy telescopes (HET) and one low energy telescope (LET).


The detector responses of the HET are based on NuSTAR detectors, and the mirror effective area has been optimized with a Ni/C multilayer coating. The background is modified from NuSTAR and reduced to the anticipated level.

The extraction region size for source and background is radius = 10 arc seconds. This contains 80% of source photons from a Voigt profile with an HPD = 5 arc seconds.

In addition to a PSF correction of 80% the effective area also includes MLI and Be.

There is the option to simulate each of the HET separately or together, as well as with or without the PSF correction.


This version of the effective area does not include obscuration from structures in the mirror.


This version includes 20% obscuration from structures in the optics, and we have calculated a Field of View averaged effective area across 0-5 arcmin for use with extended sources.


In this version the coating has been changed from Ni/C to Pt/C, which only affect the area above 80 keV. The CsI background lines have been removed in the background files. The detector efficiency has been moved out of the RMF and into the ARFs.

Single HET Telescope

30-September-2022v03HEXP_HET_v03_PSFcor.arfHEXP_HET_v03_FoVavg.arfHEXP_HET_v03.rmf HEXP_HET_v03_LEO_10arcsec.bkg

Two HET Telescopes

Release DateVersionHET 2x ARFHET RMFHET 2x BKG


As for HET, the source and background extraction radius = 10 arc seconds, and the area is PSF corrected for 80% of the photons. There is also an option of not including the PSF correction.

v01: XRT RMF

The detector response of the LET has been adapted from Swift/XRT and has an energy range from 0.1 to 10.24 keV. The background has also been taken from XRT PC mode and the level currently remains unchanged from XRT.

These files do not contain Be, which is specific for CZT detectors, and MLI (for thermal protection of the optic) has not been included as yet.


The v02 detector response is based on the eROSITA pnCCD detector, and the background is scaled from the XMM pn instrument to the HEX-P plate scale, which without additional scaling produces the HEO background. The LEO background level is 7 times smaller than the HEO and has the same shape as the HEO. Instrument lines have been removed, but will be added again with we have more details.

The effective area of the LET is the save as for v01, just renames as a matched set to avoid confusion.

v03: WFI Athena RMF

In this version the detector response is based on the Athena WFI detector, extended up to 25 keV.

For the effective area, this version includes 20% obscuration from structures in the optics, and we have calculated a Field of View averaged effective area across 0-5 arcmin for use with extended sources.

v04: Effective Area update

The QE was not properly included in v03. 

Release DateVersionLET ARFLET ARF FoV averagedLET RMFLET BKG

Older versions

Download v01

Download v02

Download v03

Effective Area

HEX-P effective area. Includes QE and OBF for the LEMA, and QE and MLI+Be for HEMA. Version v04.
High Energy Mirror Assembly effective area for Pt/C coated mirrors. Version v04.

Point Spread Function

We are for now assuming that both LET and HET have the same PSF, and that it follows a Voigt function. For such a function scaled to have a HPD of 5 arcsec (or radius of 2.5 arcsec), the extraction radius that contains 75%, 80%, and 90% of the PSF is:

50% psf =      2.5 arcsec

75% psf =      6.5 arcsec

80% psf =      10 arcsec

90% psf =      17 arcsec

In the above we have used 10 arcsec for 80% of the PSF.